Standard Assessment Tasks

One-to-one SATs tutoring

SATs (Standard Assessment Tasks)

SATs (Standard Assessment Tasks) are taken by all children in their final year at primary school. They consist of three English papers - Comprehension, Spelling and Grammar - and three maths papers, one of which is Arithmetic and two which are Reasoning. The tests take place in May.

In 2016, the tests were reviewed and made harder than they had previously been. The outcomes were also changed. No longer were children expected to achieve a certain level, now they had to either 'meet their age-related expectations' or 'exceed them'.

Some children struggle with these changes and find the new curriculum quite challenging. We can help these children by giving them extra help and practice. We have experienced tutors who have taught the new curriculum and who are familiar with it.

If you feel your child would benefit from some extra help with SATs preparation, please give Joyce a ring on 01625 858169.


Mon - Fri (8 am – 6 pm)
Sat - Sun (10 am – 12 am)


20 Spring Rd,
Poynton, Stockport,
Cheshire, SK12 1YZ

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
8.00 am – 5.00 pm

Phone & E-mail

01625 858169

About Poynton Tutorials

Poynton Tutorials was founded in 2005 by Joyce Beasley, a retired Headteacher, with over 40 years in the teaching profession.

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